WRITTEN BY: Favour Eke
TWITTER: @inspirinyungafr / @fclassy_imode

This article is basically aimed at motivating every young african that thinks he/she dont have a say in the society.
The truth is;
Every child has a right to make his or her decisions, whether African or American.
Be sure of what you want, if by chance you fail to get what you want just because u listened to your uncle, aunt or the Society then you got served with what u deserve.
Every youth has a voice! If the society refuse to hear your voice, speak to yourself & hear your own voice! Never see a friend as competitor, there's isomething you have that they don't have, its left for u to bring it out. Never stop moving positively, never take "NO" for an answer!
We are in an era where most of our youths are in relationships & these might affect our emotions randomly as it may need our time, finance & devotion...!
Don't let circumstances, events, or other people tell you can't do something you deserve to experience a life of joy, freedom, & completeness, don't give up.
There are moments you will find out just how much you want your dreams, these are times when your character is built.
What u choose to focus on when things get tough will determine everything. Remaining focused & determined on your goals, it isn't an easy task!
"Tough is when your confidence get damaged, when things aren't going your way these are times u need to keep Moving & pray".
This is superb..............
ReplyDeleteCrude Attempt, Nice but Crude.. I'd suggest proof_reading for later issues. Once again Nice