We already know that the spiders from Mars are real -- but has the NASA rover Curiosity picked up real evidence of extraterrestrial life on the Red Planet?
Conspiracy theorists think so. Some of these photos -- taken by the Curiosity over the past year and on other missions to Mars -- look a lot like rocks. Some of them look a lot more peculiar, like the "iguana" found earlier this month. All of them are the stuff of Internet legend, and many believe that NASA is hiding something.
Take a look, and wage alien war on the topic in the comments below.

  • Lizards!
    • UFO Sightings Daily
    Oh, NASA rover Curiosity, you make us so curious. Curious about images like this, which appear to show either camouflaged or fossilized lizards running around on Mars. A blogger caught this image, what do you think    
  • Rats!
    OK, this really does look like some sort of rodent. NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shot a photo of this little guy earlier this year. But after a closer look, and a little common sense, it's probably a rock.
    UFO Sightings Daily
    The rock rats and rock lizards have begun to breed. It is only a matter of time before they... wait... WAIT, WHAT IS THAT?!
  • Computer, ENHANCE!
    UFO Sightings Daily
    Oh no. It's too late. The rock rat lizards are already here.
  • Beautiful Mars Ladies
    The Internet has long been crazy about this photo, snapped by the NASA rover Spirit. She has a terrible choice in dress color though, doesn't she?
  • Faces
    Wikimedia Commons
    The conspiracies go back to July 25, 1976, when this shot of the "Face on Mars" was taken by an orbiter. Do you believe yet?
  • Hearts
    Wikimedia Commons
    Awwww. These are real photos taken of Mars' surface. But were they designed by extraterrestrials who know the human concept of love? Only the ETs know.
  • Alien Heads
    Wikimedia Commons
    If it's a skull, it appears to have several eye sockets, a nose, and an embarrassingly large forehead. If it's a rock, it's probably not even a rock. IT'S A ROCK... LOBSTER!